Digital Prayer Cards


This page is an opportunity to share a few of the prayer cards from the Digital Prayer Tree on Facebook and Twitter.

If you have an image or prayer you are happy to share with others, please email or leave an in-box message at

Thank you to Gary Pescod Photography and Caroline Ferguson for their kind permission to share some of their work.

Best wishes,


Revd Lesley Jones
Assistant Curate
North Wearside Team Ministry


Lord Jesus Christ,
As I hold on to your cross
please hold on to me.


Heavenly Father,
Thank you for the gift of this new day.
May I make the most of each opportunity to share your love with others.


Heavenly Father
We give thanks for new life
new friends
new projects
and opportunities
to grow in faith.


Loving and Generous God,
Thank you for all that I am,
all I have received,
and the areas in my life
that bear fruit.


“The LORD is my rock, my fortress, and my saviour,
My God is my rock, in whom I find protection.
He is my shield, the power that saves me,
and my place of safety”
(Psalm 18:2)


Heavenly Father,
As we turn to you in prayer
draw us closer to you.
Be our anchor,
hold us still,
keep us safe.


Thinking about prayer:
“Coming to God with the people on your heart and coming to the people with God on your heart”
Michael Ramsey
Archbishop of Canterbury


“I believe in Christianity as I believe that the Sun has risen – not only because I see it, but because by it, I see everything else.”
C. S. Lewis
(Photograph: Gary Pescod)


Heavenly Father,
We pray for all who find themselves
in a dark or difficult place.
May they know that you are near,
that they are loved,
and precious in your sight.

Loving and Merciful God,
May our hearts be thankful
for all we have received,
the splendour of creation,
and untold potential of each new day.
(Photo: Caroline Ferguson)

“Connecting in Prayer” Tomorrow’s Sunday, Sunderland Echo. 13 April 2013.

In school this week we looked at ‘prayer’. As part of worship in tutor groups, students carefully considered topics for a communal prayer tree within school. Each group was given three leaves, for three prayers, to go on to our tree.

The results have been deeply moving and goes to show, once again, that young people have an amazing ability to be sensitive, honest, and open.

However, our school prayer tree has taken shape alongside a very different project that ‘grew’ out of this question: if people respond to writing requests for a physical prayer tree, what could happen if there was a facility to do the same on line?

The result is ‘Digital Prayer Tree’ on Facebook and Twitter. As soon as it went live a number of local people offered to pick up any prayers left, and weave them into their own personal prayer life. So, would anyone visit the pages?

Well, I have to say that at the time of writing, in the first 7 days, Digital Prayer Tree has ‘reached’ over 800 people, with requests for prayers left every day. But for me the most remarkable thing is the large number of people who click on to the page to pray for others each day.

One prayer in particular was accessed by 150 people in just 24 hours. So, why would prayer requests go ‘viral’?

I think its to early to say, but one thing is becoming clear – people pray, people seek prayer, people want to prayer for others, and at difficult times it is to the Lord that many of us turn.

Next week the two prayer trees will be ‘grafted’ together – prayers from our students will be added to the Digital Prayer Tree on line. .

Find Digital Prayer Tree on Twitter:


and on Facebook:

The Revd Lesley Jones (@revlesleyjones)
NSM Curate, Wearside Team Ministry &
Extended School Co-ordinator at Venerable Bede CE Academy
